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The Financial Crisis at the Manaus City Hall: The R$ 8 Million Payment Adjustment and the Public Break Between Durango Duarte and David Almeida

In a video longer than 6 minutes published on Facebook, Durango adopted a formal tone initially, addressing David Almeida as “Dear Davi,” but gradually introduced biting criticisms. He emphasized that all contracts were “ratified by the mayor himself,” with witnesses including municipal secretaries, and accused the administration of “repeated disrespect for commitments.” The central demand was clear: settlement of the debt in three installments (February, March, and April 2025), totaling R$ 8 million.

21/02/2025 às 11h58
Por: Adão Gomes
Criada por IA
Criada por IA

The Financial Crisis at the Manaus City Hall: The R$ 8 Million Payment Adjustment and the Public Break Between Durango Duarte and David Almeida

 Adão Gomes-Journalist

On the morning of February 19, 2025, publicist Durango Duarte shook the political and media scene in Manaus by publishing a video denouncing an R$ 8 million payment adjustment accumulated by the Municipal City Hall under the administration of Mayor David Almeida (Avante). The outcry, which quickly went viral on social media, exposed not only an institutional financial crisis but also the deterioration of a strategic partnership that lasted over six years. The case reveals a web of multi-million contracts, suspension of payments for 15 months, and an eloquent silence from the public authorities, calling into question administrative transparency and the economic sustainability of suppliers linked to government communication.

The Development of the Crisis: From Strategic Partnership to Public Break

The Rise of a Political-Media Partnership

The relationship between Durango Duarte and David Almeida dates back to November 2018, when the then mayoral candidate approached the publicist to structure his first electoral campaign. Over the years, Durango's companies — The Voice and iMarketing — became key pieces in the municipal administration’s communication strategy, accumulating contracts totaling R$ 36.1 million between 2020 and 2025. iMarketing, in particular, stood out for executing digital campaigns, managing social media, and coordinating partnerships with local influencers.

The Accumulation of Debt and Desperate Measures

According to Durango, problems began in November 2023, when the City Hall halted financial transfers. Over 15 months, the debt accumulated to R$ 7.64 million, distributed between R$ 1.6 million for The Voice (responsible for LED panels) and R$ 5.9 million for iMarketing (digital management). To keep operations running, the publicist resorted to two bank loans and sold two properties worth a total of R$ 2 million.

The Video Denunciation: Strategy, Irony, and an Ultimatum

In a video longer than 6 minutes published on Facebook, Durango adopted a formal tone initially, addressing David Almeida as "Dear Davi," but gradually introduced biting criticisms. He emphasized that all contracts were "ratified by the mayor himself," with witnesses including municipal secretaries, and accused the administration of "repeated disrespect for commitments." The central demand was clear: settlement of the debt in three installments (February, March, and April 2025), totaling R$ 8 million.

The Legal Context and Allegations of Irregularities

The Role of the Court of Accounts and Questionable Bids

The current crisis is not the first time Durango's contracts with the City Hall have faced scrutiny. In March 2024, the TCE suspended Bid 001/2024 due to allegations of favoritism, as iMarketing had already been providing identical services since 2020. The company was the only one classified in the process, raising doubts about competitive fairness.

Political and Economic Repercussions

The Reaction of City Council Members and the Demand for Transparency

City Council member Sergeant Salazar (PL) was one of the first to react publicly, linking the payment adjustment to a multi-billion loan requested by the City Hall. "Pay the guy, mayor! It must feel terrible to win an election owing everyone," he posted on social media, suggesting that the R$ 2.5 billion loan would primarily aim to settle hidden debts.

Legal Ramifications and Next Steps

Durango Duarte’s Legal Options

Experts in Contract Law point out that Durango has solid grounds to file an executive collection action, using contracts signed by the mayor as irrefutable evidence. "The City Hall’s delay is clear. If the documents are in order, the court can order the freezing of public funds to settle the debt," explains lawyer Patrícia Lopes.

Conclusion: A Crossroads for Public Management and Local Media


The imbroglio between Durango Duarte and David Almeida encapsulates recurring challenges in Brazilian municipal administration: opacity in contracts, the politicization of bids, and the financial vulnerability of suppliers. Beyond the R$ 8 million at stake, the case exposes a culture of mutual dependency between public authorities and allied suppliers, where personal relationships often override meritocracy.

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